“Governor’s daughter”
Reshid Akif Pasha, a major Turkish dignitary at the turn of the last century, had one daughter who was engaged and approaching her wedding day. During her engagement she fell ill, and the doctors could not connect her symptoms to a root cause. Her prognosis was grim. An elderly Jewish lady of Spanish descent suggested praying at the Kotel. Akif Pasha agreed and traveled with a delegation to pray at sunrise. Following the prayers they returned home.
He walked up the steps to his front door, still surrounded by his posse. He knocked. And who answered? His brittle, bedridden daughter. But she was up on her feet, with a radiance on her face. She told them that she had prepared breakfast. The shock hit like wrecking-ball. With his eyebrows raised as high as they could go, Akif Pasha spun on his heels and exited his courtyard without another word.
With his attache in tow, Akif Pasha went to the first rabbi he could find, grabbed him by the lapels of his coat with a wildness in his eyes. The stare was deep and seemed to last an eternity Then a different energy washed over him, he bowed his head and released his grip. “There is no other God than the God of Israel. Just know that.”