Barrak Obama
“Barrak Obama” Undoubtedly, the Kotel is focal point of all spirituality of the world, and dignitaries, politicians and celebrities all embark on pilgrimages to this
“Barrak Obama” Undoubtedly, the Kotel is focal point of all spirituality of the world, and dignitaries, politicians and celebrities all embark on pilgrimages to this
“A place of joy” One winter night, well after midnight, two friends walked into the Kotel plaza. One was a hospital administrator and a famous
“The Legend (MUST read!)” Two brothers – one single, the second married with a growing family – split an inheritance from their father. They each
“The Wall and the Trash” Salim the Resolute was a fascinating Ottoman conqueror and sultan who brought the entire middle east under his rule. In
“Governor’s daughter” Reshid Akif Pasha, a major Turkish dignitary at the turn of the last century, had one daughter who was engaged and approaching her
“The Kotel Kisses me back” He looked immersed in his prayers, like everyone else. But it was his mythically long, blizzard-white beard that magnetized me
Do you have a request? Do need Divine assistance?
Energize your prayer in the ancient stones of the Kotel.
Just write your note, we’ll take care of everything.
The Mystical Custom of the Menorah-formed Chapter of Psalms
Psalms from the Menorah
One of the most famous Kabbalistic charms that has gained fame across all sectors is the recitation of Psalm chapter 67 written in the form the traditional Menorah. The Menorah, the Lamp in the ancient Temple spread a light of wisdom to the whole world, bearing witness to God’s presence among the people. It symbolizes hope, peace and awareness.
The Menorah
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